Olivia’s Fund will provide financial assistance to anyone who lives or works in Eagle County to help pay for mental health and/or substance use services.
All spots are now full. Please add yourself to the wait-list below:
Information About the Event
-ARTSPaCE Workshop + Gallery is hosting a great opportunity to “spread love through the arts” there will be other artists sharing beautiful offerings for your special someone. I’ll be signing copies of The Last Breath and offering gift certificates. And at 5:30pm & 6:30pm sharing messages from spirit benefiting Olivia’s Fund (funding behavioral health care to those in need, in memory of Olivia Ortega). Click HERE to discover more information about Olivia’s Fund.
-Before we meet altogether, take a moment to become aware of all the loved ones you have in spirit. I leave it up to the spirit world to determine who comes through. Oftentimes we do connect with that very spirit person you're aching to hear from but be open and available for all other loved ones as well.
-Prior to connecting please do not share any pieces of information about your loved ones in spirit with me (Becky), I work best with a “blank canvas” and this also helps you to receive a knowing that the evidence that comes through is authentic. To ensure the "blank canvas" idea please confirm the evidence as a "Yes" "No" or "I don't know". But don’t worry, there will be time where you can share, debrief, and ask questions.
-I’ll be connecting with as many spirit loved ones as possible, there is no guarantee you’ll receive an individualized message from spirit but everyone in the group will gain from the loving messages from the spirits.
-Our time together is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice and you should always seek the appropriate professional advice.
-Lastly, it's normal to feel a bit nervous beforehand. To help ease your mind, think of this event as a time and place for you to receive a tremendous amount of love, connection and support. Mediumship can only occur by the power and energy of love. Our time together is for you and your healing as well as your loved ones in spirit, and those sharing in the experience together. Also, don't forget to bring an open mind and open heart.