Thursday’s 5:30pm-6:30pmMST via ZOOM
July 1st & August 5th
Enter Quantity “2” at check out and your friend comes free Using Promo Code: SPIRITBUDDY
There is a loving intelligence that our souls commune within, I happen to be able to translate this experience into words. Its like I am the operator (or medium) between the two worlds, I have one soul in the spirit world and the other in the physical world. I get the honor of connecting the two together. This connection can only be manifested by the power of love; love is the energy that always connects us.
When I offer a time to gather as a community for a Spirit Messages Event it is a time and place to all share in the loving experience of the connection that is had between worlds. The spirit’s soul wants to share very specific pieces of information with their loved one in the physical, these bits of information are given so that their loved one can understand this is their loved one and get across their loving message. My job as the medium is to honor this communication and articulate my experience with your spirit person to the best of my ability. One by one, I will connect with as many loved ones as possible for those who attended. Therefore, not everyone is guaranteed a reading but everyone will benefit from this loving experience that can never be replicated.
Because the loving intelligence of our souls have no boundaries we are able to connect within the ether aka ZOOM:) I hope you can join one or all of these Thursdays! Please share with those you feel nudged to do so.