New Moon Energetics
New Moon Energetics
Below is what the new moon energy is telling me Oct. 7th 2018:
This new moon is asking us to be the low tied.
Exposed, vulnerable, courageous, and brave.
Allow our pure true self to be shown. Do you know who that is?
This is a call to get intentional with the truth of who you are. What is in your heart? Speak it.
This is a call to action.
Collective conscious needs not be passive.
Be lovingly bold and straightforward.
Confidence is necessary.
Confidence is trusting yourself and the universe.
It’s time to build this relationship, heal it and sing the essence of this truth.
This love, let it radiate out and be a beacon of strength and courage for others to do the same. When love is connected with, nothing else exists. Take a good look at your life, where are things not lining up with love? Gently ask, why are these things here in the first place?
Make a commitment to shed what no longer serves. This light can then breath stronger and be seen and felt by you and others.
Cleanse, shed, expose, dive deep within, build that relationship with yourself, share and be seen. Its time, you are safe, you have support, allow yourself to receive and be held by the love that is waiting for you. It’s always there, watching and waiting. It’s you who can make the decision to connect within and be held. Receive.
As we let go of layers and shed our leaves we become exposed and feel the cold air around us. We now go deep within and connect with the heat, the infinite light that is stored in our inner chambers. The chambers we keep hidden from others and ourselves. We are being directed to unlock these chambers and answer it’s calling.
What if we allowed the love within those chambers to be completely expressed? What if we let go of what’s in our way?
Who are we then?
Who are we without these badges of suffering?
Let it go.
We are surrounded by loving energy that’s ready to strip us of shame, victimhood, guilt, and self-sabotage.
What would it look and feel like to let it go?
Feel it?
Release it.
Answer this call.
You will then be the vibrational match to the truth of love.
Let us raise this collective conscious.
Let us rise together as one powerful beam of light
Let this light magnify others light to be lifted up to the surface
Let yourself shine.
You are strong.
You are courageous.
You are held.
~Rebecca Hesseltine