Calmness in the Chaos
Dear Friend,
I know this current life situation is HARD, tricky, confusing, exhausting, heartbreaking, out of control and scary. What do we do in times of chaos when the situation is totally out of our control? We can pause, come back to our heart and breathe. Sometimes that’s the only thing we can do in those moments.
One thing I’ve realized and I imagine you have too; is that we can’t wait for the outside world to be in harmony for us to experience harmony. Harmony is an inside job. Harmony isn’t about putting blinders on and rose colored glasses. Harmony is regulation within. Going back to our natural state of order and calmness.
We can begin to realize when our energy starts to match our chaotic environment and feel chaotic within ourselves and from realizing this we can start to cultivate calmness in the midst of the chaos. It’s possible with practice. And I know you can do it. We can be the chaos or be the calm; either way we’re going through this life experience. We can go through it calmly or kicking and screaming. And when the kicking and screaming gets too exhausting...calmness is there for you.
When we are calm we are also a magnet for solutions to come to us, for us to problem solve and for us to see between the lines and discover truth. From there, the heartfelt actions we take are rooted from a calm, collected, and regulated state. Just imagine the ripple effect heartfelt actions would create out into the world.
It starts with a willingness to cultivate calmness.
Do you have a willingness to peel away from the chaos and take 2-5 minutes to take action towards calmness?
What practices do you need to do right now to regulate? Breath work, exercise to move some energy, yoga, meditation, walk in nature, hug, a good cry on a trusted shoulder, connecting with a therapist, community? What is it for you? -Please feel free to share.
(For me personally today it's been, deep breathing, exercise, meditation, calling my bf, getting hugs, long hot showers, and writing. Okay....and a little chocolate.)
Next, I acknowledge you and your efforts to cultivate more calmness and centering yourself back to your naturalness - harmony. It’s a brave thing to practice. But as you know, it’s a worthwhile one. I'm giving you a BIG hug.
I see you and I love you,
P.S. I have a little something for you below, in case you could use a guided meditation on this topic… enjoy… from my heart to yours.
When you need to pause and take a moment to settle back into your heart for more clarity. Use this meditation as a way to connect back into the peace, love, harmony and stillness when life feels heavy. Remembering the love that you are, the love from the spirit side of life and the love that’s in your heart. Allowing love to guide you forward in life's tricky experiences.