Meditation for a Peaceful Life -A Mooji Meditation

I just finished a Mooji Meditation “A Peaceful Life is Priceless” HERE. Mooji has such a calm deep voice where I feel I’m being wrapped up in a smoothing blanket of peace. With this meditation just now, I sensed my past and future get erased from the mind as my awareness got to sink into the depths of the present moment. It was a relief, as prior too, my mind was spinning. I’ve been experiencing Mooji’s meditations for years. Sometimes there’s that guided meditation that you need for a particular thing you’re going though, and this one was it for me this morning so I wanted to share it with you. It guided me back to center, back to the natural peaceful state of being that’s always there.

What are your go-to meditations? Please share in the comments.

To living a peaceful life,



Calmness in the Chaos


Draft vs Publish - Freeing Your Heart's Creation