Draft vs Publish - Freeing Your Heart's Creation
Draft vs Publish - Freeing Your Heart’s Creation
I’m going to be honest here. I have so many pieces for writing that I have under the “draft” section of this blog. I have more drafts than I do published writing. Drafts are like being wrapped up in a fleece blanket curled up on my tattered wing-backed chair in my living room writing with fervor while sipping my fresh brewed cup of coffee at 5:00 am before anyone else is awake in the home. Feeling inspired, expressive, and safe. Knowing deep down this piece of writing needs to be published but I hold back instead. Leaving it be. Pressing “save,” closing my laptop and walking away. “I’ll circle back around to this later” I lie to myself. Adding to the collection of drafts once crafted from a state of vibrant colorful inspiration turned ignored, stagnant, gray and dusty. It feels unnatural, as if I’m holding back the birth process. I choose to stay in my cozy chair than wild swim in the lake filled with chilly spring time run off. The cold plunge swim would be a shock to the system, a thrill, I’d feel expansive, free, and SO alive!
What are the “Drafts” in your life? What are your “publishes” in your life? What is your heart ready to birth? How might you get out of your own way in the process?
For me it’s taking the heartfelt action. Following my heart. Trusting her. She’s always there to guide me back to the most beautiful road. The proof of this is that this road has brought me to you. I’m so grateful to have you in my life and I celebrate your hearts creation.
Here’s to creating together, loving together, and birthing our hearts creations together.
Now let’s “publish”