Wisdom of the Root Chakra
Root Chakra Wisdom
The idea came to me to do a series of Mediations on the Chakra System. The idea is, I connect into the energy center and share a guided meditation surround the alignment of that particular chakra. The first one was Monday May 1st and we started with the Root Chakra. Below is the recording of the live mediation and what is written below is what my personal and vulnerable reflection of the experience I had with my Root Chakra.
To be honest, I never give the Root Chakra much attention. I rather spend my time “out there” than “in here” with my body. Dissociation has been my coping mechanism for years. I never really understood “grounding” either. I thought that grounding was for folks who liked being here on earth, which, for so long I was bind to see its beauty.
Through my healing journey I’ve come to realize many facets of my limiting beliefs. I don’t want to relive or rehearse past wounds but I got my fill as a child, as we all do. What I have come to understand is that we don’t need to tie our identity to how we were treated in our physical life by culture, society, and individuals. Realizing those wounds and how we molded ourselves to accommodate for them and its impact on our physical body is the real eye opener. With this awareness we can then heal the wounds and create a new experience.
We have all had such colorful lives here in this physical existence. We have one foot here on earth (limited) and the other in the spirit world (limitless). We are spirit people having a human experience. We have physical bodies. Our spirit is limitless but our bodies are not. Bodies have limitations. I am here for a limited amount of time with this physical body, that will die. My spirit is infinite and will surpass physical death. Because of this, I’ve given my spirit more gold stars than my physical body.
With this meditation, we are paying more attention to the physical body with the root chakra. This is a practice for me. It teaches me to embrace my physicality and be in my body. Build a relationship with it. No more power struggles with my body but rather be in alignment with this “instrument of the divine” as Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it.
When I soak that in, it blows my mind that our bodies are the physical manifestation of divine creation! A Divine idea was collapsed into matter, hence creating earth and creating all the earthy things… like physical bodies… which are vehicles for our spirit from SPIRIT. Mind blown!
Our spirit is part of the greater whole, our bodies are empowered by this intelligence, our root chakra has an intelligence. It would make sense that when we can let go of the beliefs that no longer serve us, move into alignment with our physical bodies and it’s natural intelligence of what it’s inspired to create; the universe is here to give you EVERYTHING you need to bring those creations to life in this physical way. YOU have the right to receive all that you desire to prosper, thrive, and experience the greatness that is life (its limitless).
Connecting to your Root Chakra you will realize you are more than worthy of abundance, belonging, and physical life sustaining resources such as food, water, and shelter. That not only are you worthy of this, it’s your duty to receive them so we can live in alignment with a creation that is rooted in abundant love.
Self Inquiry:
What if this life is to realize how empowered creators we truly are?
What is your body needing from you at this moment?
What is it asking for?
How might you care for those needs from a space of compassion, love, and gratitude for this divine miracle that you call your body?
What would it be like to sense into the magic of your physical body?
What new perspectives would you have with it? What old habits no longer fit with this perspective?
What new habits do you practice because of this perspective?
To celebrating the divine creation that we are,