Setting and Becoming Your Intention
I speak from my own personal experience when I share this…
Life presents many things that are outside of your control. At one point or another you come to realize that the only thing in your control is how you respond to any given circumstance. When you’re becoming intentional with how you respond you can begin to live life from that intention rather than living on autopilot by your looping thoughts from past programs. There is nothing wrong with this, but at some point it may not feel fulfilling or uplifting any longer. It’s like wearing shoes that no longer fit and instead of complaining about it, you decide to get a new pair of shoes. The old shoes took you to great places and you will hold onto the wisdom of those experiences. But now you can release the old shoe with gratitude and discover the new shoes that will support you moving forward.
Setting and becoming your intention is a practice. You start by uniting with your heart’s intention, allow it to be your anchor and to be more important than any of the thoughts, distractions, and impulses that come to visit you that are out of alignment with your intention. Claim it, experience it and become it. Moment by moment. See what happens in your life. Allow for the loving intelligence within and all around you to hold you, bring you into alignment of your intention, and to give you the strength and courage to experience life beyond the past that no longer fits your future. Your heart will feel nudged to take inspired action from that place. Say YES to that nudge and take the heartfelt action. Walking into the unknown with your heart guiding the way.
Like I said this is a practice and it’s one thing to read these words that I share with you and to feel into this resonance but it’s another to actually EXPERIENCE what I am sharing with you. This is why I created this meditation. To bring this into your life and integrate it in a way that is perfect for you.
Below are two ways to experience this meditation: YouTube and InsightTimer. It’s 30 minute guided Meditation towards realizing your intention. Starting off by letting go of the obstacles, unhelpful thoughts, and old beliefs that no longer serve you. Then melting into the experience of your intention by becoming it in body, mind, and spirit.
Enjoy and feel free to share your experience.
With love and gratitude,
Creating an intention and becoming it.