The Other Side of my Shadow
The Other Side of my Shadow
Last night I felt that moment when I'm grieving over a loved one and all my shadows begin to bubble up to the surface. I felt a river of a melting pot of emotions that force their exit through the cracks in my armor. It’s as if me and my loved one share the same shadows and I'm being called to release them whether I'm ready or not.
These shadows are dark and have been locked up for decades and finally working their way up and out. To get through this “cleansing period” it was helpful to cry, meditate, follow my intuition, talk, pray, write, and not hitch a ride with the shadow for too long but long enough to hear and gain the wisdom behind it. Side note: I give credit to my therapist (Marnina Reed) for having the ability to separate myself from my shadow and step off the shadow's roller coster.
Here is that nights wisdom from the other side of my shadow.
Do what feels right vs what feels good (Thank you Brene Brown)
Trust in my life experience, trust that I was brought here and it's my duty to play this life thing out, trust.
This morning, I referred to the book “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankel, which confirmed my shadows lessons. I opened up the book where I left off and read exactly what I needed to hear (Thank you Universe!). The essence of what I read was this: it doesn’t matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us. Take a few breaths to let this quote sink in. When I read this and contemplated what responsibility I have in this existence to humanity and unfinished work, moving forward has a different feel. It’s thinking and action beyond the ego. It got me out of my perceived temporary paralyzing suffering.
Here is the call to action: Listen to what the universe expects from you, you are one of a kind, there will never be another one of you. Who YOU are IS important. The care and love you’re being asked to give to humanity and the unfinished work you have ahead of you can only be done by you, own that responsibility by taking action.
What is life expecting of you?
What does life look and feel like as you envision yourself narrowing in on this?
What actions will you take today as you show up for this responsibility?