7 steps towards Receiving Love
7 Steps Towards Receiving Love
Becoming available to the love that’s trying to reach you.
By Becky Hesseltine
Receiving love to me is the ability to be available to soak in the essence of the authentic message that is being given and a barometer of how much we experience our own loving heart. Receiving love takes many parts of ourselves to be open and available. In my own journey towards receiving I have learned a few things along the way. Below are 7 steps that I have come to realize about myself and about the practice towards becoming available to the loving universe and loving myself. In my opinion, the loving universe’s job isn’t to make life easy and doesn’t keep us from hardship, grief, and struggle, but it does make us feel supported, connected and loved when we move through all the colors life shares with us, making suffering optional. There are many benefits that come with saying “yes” towards receiving love. You realize the universe is not against you, you realize that you are included in the loving embrace of the divine and begin to see it, trust it and know it within and all around you. When you harness and harmonize the love within yourself and the universe, just imagine what is possible and what beautiful gifts you can share with the world. Below are 7 steps that got me closer to my resonance of love and healing. So take a deep breath, grab your journal if you'd like, and begin.
Willingness. Willingness to receive the love that is being offered to you. Do you really want to receive loving offerings from others and the universe? Or do you want to stay in the victim role of suffering? Why would anyone want to stay in the victim role of suffering? Well, it might be the known, feeling comfort in the discomfort, you simply don’t know another way. You find some value in suffering. You might have a belief that if you suffer then others won’t. Or when you suffer others will be better off. Or when you suffer it justifies a past trauma and allows for you to stay in victumhood until you’ve had enough. Thinking its unsafe to experience being loved. Which after time takes you farther and farther away from you knowing and understanding your wholeness. Wondering why you feel lonely, empty, depleted, and can’t receive happiness, compassion and love. If this is you, you’re not alone. I've been here too. Now let’s move forward and have a willingness to stop feeding this wound. A willingness to let go of the victimhood and sep into what is unknown.
Readiness. Once we had enough of living as a victim then you can move into the decision that you are ready to experience love from ourselves, others and the universe. Ready to break free from that old way of perceiving your life and realize a new loving reality. Note: Once you say “YES” to this readiness, the universe will support you, watch it show up!
Understanding how you hold yourself back. Understand what your limiting beliefs are and how they sound in your head and make you feeling in your body and the actions you take because of them. Then becoming aware of your limiting beliefs and when they show up. Don’t know what your limiting beliefs are? Heres a quick tip to discover: What habits/actions/behaviors do you take on that you know are no longer serving your highest good? Take a moment and sit with it, observe what emotions, feelings, and other actions are associated with it and how this belief impacts others and your life.
Commitment, Awareness and Letting Go. The commitment to becoming aware and letting go of your limiting beliefs (old self) filter so you can see what is being given without clouding it with what is not true (limiting beliefs). Releasing the old to make space for the new. Being aware of the growth opportunities that come your way to build upon this and take action.
Knowing and Trusting. The universe wants you to receive the infinite love that’s available to you. You now have a knowing and trust this is the case and now see your life with fresh eyes.
Available for Love. You then open yourself up and become available to the love that is being offered, knowing you are included in being loved. In the awareness of believing and knowing you have a pure essence of love inside you, you are lovable and loved, what thoughts will go though your head? What feelings would flood your body? What actions would you be taking?
Receive. Open your heart, your hands, and eyes to all the love that’s within and surrounding you. Courageously give this New You legs and walk in your divine truth and all the loving possibilities that await you. Becoming grateful for the love thats showing up for you and gratitude for your ability to receive.
Go ahead and give this practice an honest go! You may find yourself moving through the steps in a not so sequential order, and thats okay! Feel free to share your experience with me. I’d love to support you in any way I can. May we all experience love, self-worth and wholeness.