The Confident Heart

The Confident Heart is one that we all have within.  Let's bring it alive within us.  So we can show up greatly in our lives and trust our hearts intuitive wisdom. This meditation is a good start towards intuitive empowerment.

The Confident Heart is one that we all have within. Let's bring it alive within us so we can show up greatly in our lives and trust our hearts intuitive wisdom. This meditation is a good start towards intuitive empowerment.

Every moment in our physical lives we walk into the unknown without us even realizing it.  Typically we greet every moment with the perceptions and predictions from our past, but instead let's try greeting every moment as a new unknown and allowing for it to be received by our courageous heart and be filtered through this power center of abundance of love and shared out into the world from the space of the universal wisdom from our heart.  

Maybe from here the ordinary becomes extraordinary?  

Maybe from here we can learn to trust in life a bit more? 

Maybe from here we can learn to receive all the beauty life has to offer? 

Maybe from here we can let go of what no longer serves us?  

Maybe from here we can realize how brave and courageous, supported, and loved we truly are?  

Experience “The Confident Heart Meditation”

The below meditation was shared live via our Monday Morning Meditation Group on 2/27/23.

Title: The Confident Heart Meditation // 30 Minute Guided Meditation // Cultivating Confidence, Courage, Trust, Unified Alignment with Your Inner Intelligence 

In this meditation we start out by allowing our breath to support us in a deep release and letting go.  Followed by a powerful experience of the journey through our heart where we are reminded of the limitless potential of love that we can greet every moment of our unpredictable lives with.  Ending with a deep union with your heart and a blessing that the intelligent wisdom within shares with you. 

This Meditation is for someone who is: 

  • Ready to walk into the unknown with courage, trust, and strength 

  • Ready to be open to a new experience 

  • Ready to place love above fear 

  • Ready to hold more of an intention to keep their heart open even through adversity

  • Ready to have a more unified relationship with the wisdom within 

  • Ready to trust in life and the universe that's within and all around 

  • Ready to have a more empowered life experience 

  • Ready to receive all of love life's love, wisdom and beauty.

  • Ready to cultivate more confidence 

  • Ready to discover and cultivate a practice of linking the breath and heart together for a new empowered and loving experience in their daily life. 

    Take these next 30 mins our of your 1440 minutes in your day to experience The Confident Heart Meditation on InsightTimer (click icon) or YouTube (Below). You are worth it, we all are. 

Becky Hesseltine Psychic Medium, Psychic and Mediumship Teacher, Meditation Facilitator,  is now a Meditation Teacher on the #1 App for Meditation in the world -InsightTimer

Experience this meditation with InsightTimer

In this meditation we start out by allowing our breath to support us in a deep release and letting go. Followed by a powerful experience of the journey through our heart where we are reminded of the limitless potential of love that we can greet every moment of our unpredictable lives with. Ending with a deep union with our heart and a blessing that the intelligent wisdom within shares with each of us. -Recorded live 2/27/23 with the Monday Morning Meditation Group


Experiencing The Present Moment


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